Do you know what is the meaning of the tooth fairy? Why we have chosen this topic of tooth fairy names as read this topic you get to understand it is related to teeth.
“Yes,” It is teeth related you know what we would see many times when small kids play around us which teeth are broken whether it is a boy or girl? They look very cute but if their teeth have broken they feel embarrassed and hurt by the situation.
Have you seen it?
If yes then tooth fairy names are good for those kids or if you are parents of those kids which kids teeth have broken these names are good for your kids.
Must pick up a good name for the tooth fairy boy and girl before they begin with the situation. In these entire lists, you can find different types of names.
But if you are stuck somewhere why you should choose that kind of name for your kids we want to tell you because when you choose that name for kids your kids are happy and would be imbarred in front of other kids.
That is why have to choose tooth fairy names for your kids. Without wasting time let get open our list box.
Tooth Fairy Name
Toot fairy name is a gender natural name you can use for a boy and a girl because in this situation very one face doesn’t matter if it I boy or a girl so here is the list of the tooth fairy.

- Oregano Falconspark
- Stormy Mapleforest
- Foxglove Rainbowspark
- Timber Cloudshore
- Nova Beautybite
- Bear Aspenbay
- Spark Rainwish
- Walnut Sparkleweather
- Jeremy Tigerdance
- Jamie Rainbow splash
- Oliver Cutestream
- Rocky Frostycone
- Aphid Shadowwax
- Willow Frozenvine
- Nyx Maplebay
- Newt Fireheart
- Moonbeam Dimplestream
- Peridot Sandyshine
- Fox Cocoaflower
- Barley Peachhop
- Koko Willowswirls
- Stardust Seaplane
- Dragonfly Cozyloop
- Nimbus Candlewillow
- Pine Citrusboots
- Rain Jesterwax
- Tori Hollywhisk
- Rhubarb Birdfoot
- Mahogany Redweather
- Drake Woodripple
- Mango Jumpyhill
- Ginko Twinkletwist
- Liri Gemstone
- Trumpet Gemgrace
- Birch Quickfrost
- Nutmeg Toadbreeze
- Aodh Littles and
- Flame Muddyfruit
- Tadpole Silverleaf
- Tadpole Falconspark
Funny Tooth Fairy Names
There are times when kids make part of the fun in the situation and some of their parents how is good if your kid’s name like funny so if some call that feels fun and you sone could be happy all the time here is some funny tooth fairy name.
- Nebula Oakglade
- Blaze Foxlily
- Flare Tigergrass
- Bim Twinklemeadow
- Marlie Beautymoon
- Moon Flatterripple
- Aphid Parsleybite
- Harbor Merrymeadow
- Snowdrop Turtleglow
- Saffron Poplarbriar
- Luke Whitegrove
- Trevan Leaffleck
- Luke Almondpebbles
- Bracken Swiftpebbles
- Twig Tanglemint
- Quinn Treeglade
- Midnight Meadowfruit
- Smokey Greenspring
- Plume Seamuddle
- Jarrah Toadgust
- Aphid Dimpleweb
- Cirro Lightninghop
- Thicket Foggystone
- Trevan Rumplestripe
- Flix Carrot noodles
- Bud Winter freeze
- Aqua Frostyglow
- Sunrise Broommint
- Avo Nightbutter
- Strombo Almondglow
- Starfish Cutebush
- Reef Suncrystal
- Scorpia Icewhirl
- Acorn Lilygrass
- Basil Silkberry
- Tarragon Windybees
- Barley Lotusswirls
- North Greenview
- Freddie Dai system
- Nebula Hazelheart
Good Tooth Fairy Names
There is a name that is good for your tooth fairy kids that will help to find a better name for your kids here is the list.
- Ocean Pearbug
- Cloud Pollenbug
- Lightning Beechnut
- Onyx Applewood
- Peridot Starberry
- Bracken Bumblecloud
- Karma Orange weather
- Woods Stargrass
- Creator Funnydove
- Frostbite Bubbleplume
- Spice Greynoodles
- Aodh Lilyfeather
- Harley Citrusdust
- Bramble Gembug
- Magpie Purple button
- Florian Greenmount
- Luke Palmfeather
- Mulberry Jesterfly
- Miles Wonderglimmer
- Plume Cozyfalls
- Indigo Grayclover
- Frost Turtle wind
- Almond Hazelgriddle
- Pandora Lillywings
- Lemony Nightspark
- Nimbus Neverblossom
- Nutmeg Twistypearl
- Carpus Citruspearl
- Tadpole Birdgrace
- Sunset Silverclover
- Firo Limetwinkle
- Lapis Swiftmuddle
- Spring Cloudywhirl
- Indigo Figgriddle
- Rain Willowpond
- Snowdrop Windyshimmer
- Pinecone Whifflewind
- Blaze Swiftpearl
- Diaspora Hollyweb
- Willow Twinkleloop
Tooth Fairy Names 5e
5e is the free names for your kids that will make your kids more motivated hope this list is like you.

- Aqua Purpleglade
- Brock Leafwhistle
- Lucky Pepperbite
- Aphid Cricketgrace
- Mitch Whifflepool
- Flare Islandpuff
- Tarragon Merrymeadow
- Herb Fancydance
- Cookie Peppersparkle
- Wolf Swiftswirls
- Mahogany Greysprout
- Lake Shadowflip
- Cinnamon Iceberry
- Canyon Glitterwings
- Sunrise Sandy falls
- Poppy Islelocks
- Poppy Whiffletoad
- Luke Mossypearl
- Anthurium Greendash
- Fire Island heart
- Thistle Dazzlerock
- Tangy Speedytwirl
- Reef Nightlake
- Miles Prettyspice
- Petal Almondwax
- Flix Foggyclover
- Cosmo Bramblevine
- Woods Cloudy sky
- Tori Amberpetal
- Snow Darkflip
- Mahogany Figures
- Bracken Maplepebbles
- Timber Silvershore
- Reef Brightbush
- Lightning Sugarstem
- Badger Cinnamonbreeze
- Quinn Searose
- Nyx Lemonhorn
- Tidal Silkfield
- Robin Crystalhorn
Tooth Fairy Names Girl
If you have a girl there cute girl tooth fairy name because girls are free with their looks and they always want to be good that is for the girl’s name.
- Echo Neverclover
- Anthurium Oaks
- Tiny Peachweb
- Onyx Blackrock
- Lark Bramblenoodles
- Dewdrop Hazelgarden
- Willow Crystal light
- Thicket Poplarpebbles
- Diaspora Pearglade
- Berry Rainyshine
- Moonbeam Night white
- Rock Cocoawhisper
- Almond Blackgarden
- Cloud Foxplume
- Bracken Shimmerbreeze
- Lightning Diamondsky
- Almond Broomhead
- Sneezy Merrylocks
- Berry Silkbottom
- Lemony Chillydew
- Lenora Glittercreek
- Asphodel Cottonspeck
- Hydrangea Flickerwhirl
- Igni Woodwhisk
- Mora Eveningmuse
- Mulberry Swiftspeck
- Carrot Lightningbloom
- Seaweed Iceglow
- Buttercup Pine river
- Eli Seamus
- Misha Isleflight
- Tessa Snowboard
- Nina Jinglegrove
- Elle Jumpybug
- Citrine Tanglebush
- Ora Shinytwig
- Stormy Turtletwig
- Kiwi Silvercup
- Rainy Briarwind
- Trinity Fluttermuddle
Boy Tooth Fairy Names
The boy also feels bad when their teeth have broken so we can not ignore the boy’s situation here is the list of the boy’s tooth fairy names.

- Nightfall Foggyjewel
- Dune Sugarglimmer
- Shade Birdhorn
- Ginko Brightmuddle
- Frostbite Daygust
- Comet Rainbowspark
- Cosmo Flatterdance
- Morel Sparklespring
- Cirro Garlicgrass
- Cosmo Crystalgust
- Moon Almondpetal
- Mountain Sourbird
- Luke Tulipspeck
- Mulberry Pinepond
- Lemony Goldenfeather
- Thistle Wintershore
- Sunrise Cloudytwirls
- Jamie Bitterdew
- Foxglove Flickerfly
- Trevan Cricketwhisk
- Midnight Leafglow
- Caraway Elsberry
- Christopher Peach fruit
- Pistachio Foxflash
- Jamie Peppershore
- Raine Swiftsparkle
- Oliver Honeyfrost
- Midnight Tulipwish
- Flax Lightings
- Flint Parsleyray
- Jeremy Elmgriddle
- Liri Cottonstem
- Tadpole Cinnamontree
- Carrot Flirtyplume
- Cedar Betterplume
- Cookie Sea forest
- Walnut Sunglow
- Laurel Fernflame
- Poppy Goldenwhisk
- Trumpet Flirtydew
Female Tooth Fairy Names
Here is the female tooth fairy name list.
- Labyrinth Swiftbird
- Chert Chillysky
- Sugar Twistybriar
- Summer Winterthur
- Dalila Eveninggrove
- Kyra Wildbug
- Phira Nightfoam
- Opal Candlewhistle
- Sprinkle Moonleaf
- Karina Jumpywort
- Fauna Jellypetal
- Vivi Glittergriddle
- Caldera Lotusspirit
- Sophie Hazelbees
- Vickie Elmmuddle
- Sunset Lemon mint
- Geranium Whifflefield
- Geranium Limemeadow
- Kiki White jacket
- Mango Speedytwinkle
- Camellia Redwillow
- Fifi Rosenut
- Moonbeam Silverglimmer
- Paprika Briarlace
- Coyote Silvershine
- Peach Rainytoes
- Pumpkin Neverdust
- Shayleigh Cedarspice
- Flame Aspenhill
- Shade Sandynut
- Hydrangea Cedar grove
- Cinnamon Redmoon
- Adriana Rainbowlocks
- Nautica Appledrop
- Indigo Cricketbush
- Sunflower Snowfeet
- Fifi Foggytwist
- Tara Flatternewt
- Twilight Greenbottom
- Wispa Fireflash
Clever Tooth Fairy Names
Here are the names of the Tooth Fairy for Clever Boy hope you like them.

- Nova Garlicplume
- Harbor Spiderfeather
- Aeden Cloudybell
- Newt Quickdove
- Lark Purplewhisk
- Mahogany Almondfly
- Christopher Water boosts
- Cirrus Tree nut
- Timothy Driftflip
- Florian Lilyfreeze
- Sunrise Olivecloud
- Moonbean Shadow fly
- Ginko Whifflebees
- Dew Beechdust
- Midnight Lovely rose
- Daybreak Lillyshadow
- Stone Citrustail
- Bear Pearflash
- Aphid Wildcloud
- Aven Pepperlily
- Ash Wildbud
- Skylark Birdpool
- Raine Foggyhorn
- Timber Blackripple
- Lemony Tanglebreeze
- Thistle Wrinklewood
- Flame Falconsparkle
- Oliver Silkworm
- Rhubarb Chillyglade
- Tarragon Merrypetal
- Elm Windygriddle
- Ali Crystal white
- Freddie Ice dancee
- Smokey Lightningcreek
- Basil Almonddash
- Tangy Sweettwig
- Sprinkles Jumpytoad
- Nyx Spidergem
- Aodh Petalmuddle
- Moonbean Pearflip
Tooth Fairy Names in Other Countries
- Reef Shimmerfur
- Cirrus Citrussplash
- Anthurium Pearweb
- Flint Lemonwhisk
- Axis Firebees
- Plume Peppergem
- Lightning Cozythorn
- Trumpet Froststripe
- Lake Cozyshine
- Nyx Cloudyplume
- Nightshade Frosttree
- Wolf Peachwhistle
- Briar Sweetlocks
- North Firesocks
- Almond Littlewink
- Bud Treegrass
- Berry White willow
- Flix Cloudlace
- Nightfall Meadowlashes
- Tarragon Thunderdome
- Pecan Stars and
- Peanut Cozyfur
- Tiny Frostyrock
- Tiger Tulipbite
- Lake Rainytwill
- Onyx Turtlevalley
- Foxglove Lightspirit
- Oregano Wildmuddle
- Comet Broomtwinkle
- Ali Shinyspring
- Mercury Silkmello
- Turnip Jumpyriver
- Ali Bluespring
- Birch Diamond dust
- Frostbite Pumpkin butter
- Morel Poplarpebbles
- Citron Cricketswamp
- Moon Pollenbay
- Mountain Lilybelle
- Stargazer Plumflight
Fun Tooth Fairy Names
Here are the tooth fairy names for you.
- Pistachio Limebloom
- Drake Daisybird
- Cricket Dingleberry
- Tori Limeflame
- Flame Graystripe
- Aphid Mooncurl
- Indi Day twist
- Lightning Poplarblossom
- Pistachio Shadowbeam
- Koko Flutterbutton
- Twig Brightpearl
- Pinecone Toadspirit
- Rhubarb Tigergrove
- Cinnamon Foggymuddle
- Starfish Applemello
- Bracken Poplarfrost
- Oliver Islestem
- Dusk Betterjewel
- Pyro Silkglimmer
- Acorn Lotuswink
- Willow Palmpond
- Axis Candlebutter
- Berry Nightflight
- Mulberry Shimmerwhirl
- Flame Shinypetal
- Sundew Greyfeet
- Shade Bitterbloom
- Cricket Goldenfog
- Ridge Green button
- Bim Lillyray
- Helio Elmwood
- Tiny Applegourd
- Blaze Wrinklefur
- Florian Silky
- Nightfall Bitterwillow
- Anthurium Oakbud
- Aeden Sparklewax
- Trevan Islefreeze
- Indi Foxspice
- Elm Crystalvale
Tooth Fairy Names Generator
If you are not comfortable with this name list now we are going to share names that are generated by a name generator or character name generator.
- Sprinkles Oakfield
- Oregano Gigglewings
- Raine Frosty
- Sprinkle Mountainfrost
- Tidal Foggyblossom
- Elliot Frozenglow
- Happy Mornington
- Basil Whiffleroot
- Herb Jellylily
- Lapis Thunderpebbles
- Jamie Glitterspring
- Jarrah Woodruff
- Sky Pumpkinnoodles
- Bramble Rainypetal
- Cedar Crystalflame
- Basil Beechpond
- Berry Pumpkinforest
- Timothy Merryfoot
- Basil Snowbottom
- Tidal Turtlesprite
- Aed Purplepebbles
- Tarragon Palmshimmer
- Nimbus Blackbaud
- Sky Cozybloom
- Harley Fernsocks
- Skylark Plumplume
- Tidal Tanglemuddle
- Lark Lillyspirit
- Anthurium Waterpebbles
- Moonbean Meadows
- Twilight Foxmint
- Emily Toadfeet
- Hollyann Chillyshadow
- Sophie Plumtwist
- Dey Purplecloud
- Lilah Lightbees
- Feu Woodriver
- Gypsum Tuliphill
- April Flirtytail
- Jewel Cozylily
The tooth fairy is a very critical situation for every kid even we are too embarrassed for these situations so tooth fairy names would be very helpful for those whose teeth have broken you can choose the best tooth fairy names for you or your relative if these names list interesting must share with your friends.
What are some cool fairy names?
Many names feel cool so these are cool fairy names.
Trumpet Grassywind, Dusk Day white, Strombo Jestercup
Are there different tooth fairies?
Yes, these names relate to that person whose name has broken.
Discover additional names